eSign Online Validation
Biometric verification for digital identification and eSign

Signer authenticity is the basis of eSigning in making digitally signed documents legally binding. Without encrypted and thus authenticated documents and eSignatures, it is possible for the document’s contents to be falsified or for the signer to have not actually executed the eSigning.

eSign verification according to eIDAS regulation requirements
The so-called eIDAS regulation or “Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services“, regulates the use of electronic signature procedures.
In particular, the qualified electronic signature requires the signing person to be identified in advance at the highest Level of Assurance (registration) and the qualified signature to be accessible only by means of strong user authentication.
BioID’s service secured with liveness detection addresses both (1) the ‘face-to-face’ registration, and (2) strong user authentication required for qualified electronic signatures.
The identity verification of the signer can be performed seamlessly online and therefore offers the same level of security as a personal, face-to-face signature.
Liveness detection is necessary to ensure that the signer is present to carry out the transaction.
Benefits of eSign Powered by BioID
Regulatory Compliant
- ID ownership validation + liveness detection enables online ‘face-to-face’ registration
- 1:1 verification + liveness detection enables strong user authentication
- GDPR compliant
Trusted and Secure
- Strong signer verification ensures trust at both ends
- Guaranteed safe transactions that are resistant to identity theft
- Multifactor user authentication
Cost Effective
- Multichannel support: online, mobile, device
- Fully automated self-service
- Unified user authentication
Biometric data is at the same time extremely secure as it is only processed as encrypted anonymous binary data, making it unusable for third persons. This means that, unless you are really there and authenticate a process, your electronic identity can be in stand-by mode and is safe from any unauthorized use!
More Use Cases
BWS offers match-on-server face login for online and mobile services enabling omnichannel services.
User authentication and user presence detection for remote work ensuring session integrity allowing authorized access only.
ID ownership verification as part of Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulatory requirements preventing identity frauds.
Secure and convenient physical and logical access control enabling an unified multifactor user authentication across different platforms.