API Trial

Use our free API trial and build online and mobile apps

API trial for BWS testing

For developers, BioID offers free access to the BioID Web Service (BWS) in a 30-day trial. Simply register and request a trial to integrate our biometric functionalities into your mobile or web applications. You can get full access to all BioID RESTful Web APIs, including liveness detection, face recognition, and ID ownership verification (PhotoVerify), among others. After 30 days, the trial ends automatically. More information can be found in the Developer Documentation.

API trial for BWS testing

Ready-to-use samples and
sample code for testing

Before performing your own integration using the BWS API trial, please register for a free BioID account and explore the BioID Playground. There, we offer multiple ready-to-use web apps (browser apps) for a first look and feel of our BioID Web Service’s functionalities.

API trial sample code

Sample Code

In addition to our Playground demo apps, we provide sample code on GitHub for your own development:

API trial implementation easy


The web-based implementation uses HTML5 with pure JavaScript function. Please feel free to use/copy/modify the code for your needs.

For a fast and responsive page layout, we use Bootstrap 5. You can also modify or change this as required.

API trial support


BioID offers a RESTful Web API and a SOAP API for using the BioID Web Service. Launching in 2024, BWS 3.0 will be offered as a docker Linux version.

Please go to the BioID Helpdesk or contact our support for questions.

What is the BioID Web Service?

BioID offers a biometric authentication service – the BioID Web Service (BWS) – including face recognition and liveness detection. BioID Web Service (BWS) is a cloud-based online service with a pure match-on-server principle. Using the Microsoft Windows Azure™ infrastructure, BWS dynamically scales up to any performance or space requirement. All data transfer to and from BWS is secured with strong TLS/SSL encryption. All data centers are located within Europe, or, upon special customer request, in specific other countries.

Test the Playground, our free online demo

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