Car Rental
Self-service car rental with driver’s license ownership verification

For efficiency and cost reasons, most car rentals offer online reservations coupled with self-service car pick-up. To be legally compliant as well as to prevent financial losses due to car theft, stringent driver proofing is absolutely necessary.
In other words, they must ensure that the person picking up the car is the right person and in possession of the driver’s license.
BioID validates driver’s license ownership and prevents spoofing fraud with liveness detection. This way, self-service car rental or car sharing is convenient and secure!

Benefits of Online Self Service Car Rental

Cost Effective
- Multichannel usage with one software
- Eliminate cost and management of key cards or hardware tokens and expensive access terminals
- Automated registration service helps reducing costly manual administrations

Prevents Fraud
- Driver authentication ensures the driver’s physical presence when picking up the rental vehicle
- Reliable driver’s license ownership validation
- Resistant to identity theft
(e.g. deepfakes) and prohibited account sharing

Simple & Convenient
- 24/7 guaranteed user access
- Eye recognition for users wearing medical or other covers over the mouth and nose
- Multipurpose: can also be used for single sign-on for network access

Secure car rental and car sharing with 24/7 self-service convenience
Nowadays, car rental companies are expanding their service to include car sharing business. The sharing economy is a booming industry, making more efficient use of possessions through sharing with others. For legal and insurance purposes, the companies offering car rentals or car sharing must ensure that whoever is picking up the car is indeed the driver with the registered driver’s license. Even if the registered person has uploaded a legal document like an ID or driver’s license, a verification of ownership is needed for clarifying who is actually renting the car.
Biometric authentication and identity proofing provides a unique solution for the respective companies and solves user experience issues that so far have not been overcome. By simply submitting a photo of the driver’s license and taking a selfie, user presence and document ownership can be determined in real-time.
Unlike codes or passwords, biometric data cannot be shared with another person, thus making sure that the person registered and insured is actually the one who will be driving the car.
More Use Cases
BWS offers match-on-server face login for online and mobile services enabling omnichannel services.
“Face-to-face” registration and strong user authentication enabling eIDAS compliant digital signatures.
ID ownership verification as part of Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulatory requirements preventing identity frauds.
Secure and convenient physical and logical access control enabling an unified multifactor user authentication across different platforms.