BioID talks about Anti-Spoofing Technology on Business Initiation trip on the topic of Security Technologies and Services and Cybersecurity in Portugal, Lisbon

Cybersecurity Spoofing Attack Detection

BioIDs Contribution to Cyber Security Portugal 2023

It is no surprise that cyber security threats are rising in Portugal and across the world, with disruptive spoofing attacks becoming increasingly sophisticated.

77% of Portuguese companies last year saw an increase in the number of disruptive cyberattacks, including the University of Lisbon (2021), telecommunications company Vodafone (2022) as well as the Portuguese Parliament (2022).

Although Portugal is already well positioned in cybersecurity, there is an urgency for improvement.

Spoofing Attacks – A real Cybersecurity Threat

To tackle this growing problem, businesses need to implement advanced security measures to protect their data and infrastructure.

SBS systems for business solutions GmbH in Cooperation with AHK Portugal has provided an opportunity for German companies in the field of civil security technologies to present their services and establish potential business contacts in the Portuguese market. Our company is proud to be invited to participate virtually in the business initiation trip to Lisbon.

During this trip, Alexandra Atsüren, Marketing Manager at BioID, will be delivering a presentation on ‘Spoofing attacks’ – one of the most dangerous global cybersecurity threats – and how BioIDs’ solutions can combat them.

Spoofing Attack with a man wearing a Guy Fawkes Mask trying to perform a Display Presentation Attack


Face Liveness Detection is an anti-spoofing method for facial biometrics. Scientifically, it is called presentation attack detection (PAD). The core function of PAD technology is to determine whether a biometric feature (e.g., a picture), was captured from a live person. As BioID’s algorithm is software-based, this anti-spoofing is independent of special hardware and requires standard cameras only. This way it is ideal for end-user applications where the usage scenario and device are unknown, e.g., digital selfie verification.

As a leading player in anti-spoofing, BioID has been investing tremendous R&D efforts in deepfake detection technology. Proven results are already being integrated and part of its state-of-the-art ISO/IEC 30107-3 compliant Liveness Detection. ISO/IEC 30107-3 is the international standard for presentation attack detection. For an overview of different presentation attack classes go to this article on “Liveness Detection Certification”.

In particular, Deepfakes presented at the sensor level can readily be detected by means of texture analysis and artificial intelligence. Whereas attacks at the application level, e.g., through the injection of manipulated camera streams  (Camera-Injection-Attacks), can be mitigated by means of disallowing virtual webcams and deploying native mobile apps together with BioID’s unique challenge-response mechanisms.


Deepfake detection at the application level (especially injected via virtual cameras) is an ongoing race. Deepfake faces and videos modified by artificial intelligence become more and more realistic and neither the human eye nor biometric systems can detect these with ease. As such, the German Federal Government has funded a 3-year research project to address this challenge. As a recognized vendor in this field, BioID is already taking part since 2021 as an active consortium member in this project, together with renowned research institutes such as Fraunhofer, etc.

You can find more information about our project “FAKE-ID” in this press release.

We are confident that our solutions can help Portuguese businesses protect their services against cybercrime and we look forward to introducing them to our anti-spoofing technologies during this invaluable business initiation trip.

More information about our company as well as our products helping to prevent such criminal acts can be found here: liveness-detection

Our BioID Liveness Detection can be tested and evaluated at the BioID Playground.


Alexandra Atsüren
+49 911 9999 898 0

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