BioID enables Biometric Password Reset
in TESIS SYSware’s Corporate Software ASPR
Nuremberg and Munich, Germany – May 13th, 2019
Cloud biometrics developer BioID announced today the integration of the BioID Web Service (BWS) by the software developer TESIS SYSware. The German company offers a web-based Software as a Service (SaaS) for self-service password management in large organizations.
Due to the high relevance of automated password administration in enterprise environment, TESIS SYSware now provides biometric authentication to their customers as part of their multi-factor solution. Integrated in the password manager ASPR, BioID’s technology ensures user presence and recognizes users effectively through face recognition with high assurance levels.
Biometric Authentication for Corporate Security
Password reset applications are an essential element of corporate security policy. Automation is a necessity, especially if it comes to a certain company size. In order to keep fraudsters from exploiting the password reset scenario, an effective means of identity proofing is now part of ASPR: BioID’s face recognition combined with liveness detection. In addition to the security aspect, broad usability must be ensured when it comes to the implementation of a new authentication method. BioID’s “Biometrics as a Service” can be used on any device and platform without the need of a special sensor.
The implementation will offer an easy multi-factor authentication based on multiple devices as well as different authentication factors: By scanning a QR Code from the ASPR Web-Interface, the BioID application will be started on the employee’s cellphone. After completing the biometric authentication successfully, the ASPR Interface will allow the desired action, for instance a password reset.
“TESIS SYSware supports customers by offering a comprehensive password management system. Security and reliability thus were the main categories for selecting a partner for strong biometric authentication,” says TESIS SYSware’s Managing Director Christian Tilly. ”With BioID’s technology implemented in ASPR, we are now able to perform identity proofing in an intuitive and highly innovative way.”
Liveness Detection for Unsupervised Situations
With rising flexibility and a growing number of home office workers, today’s business environment requires step-up authentication and adapting to risk scenarios with even stronger means of authentication. Thus, ASPR will check the real user’s presence automatically and stop misuse of data or identities in unsupervised situations. Anti-spoofing liveness detection is a special focus of the BioID Web Service to prevent fraud with faked IDs, photos or videos. Now, this security mechanism will also be available during account renewal and password reset situations.
“We are happy to welcome TESIS SYSware as one of our German partners. Their sophisticated password management software is perfect for being complemented by biometric technologies.”, says BioID CEO Ho Chang. “We are convinced that this collaboration will mutually benefit companies and users alike. It enables a cost efficient and reliable password reset procedure with seamless user experience.”
Ann-Kathrin Schmitt
+49 911 9999 898 201
TESIS SYSware Software Entwicklung GmbH
Tatjana Nuding
+49 171 867 1357